R v VON EINEM 1984 - Crown's Opening Address

Discussion on the abduction, captivity, and murder of Richard Kelvin
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R v VON EINEM 1984 - Crown's Opening Address

Post by Missijk »

R v VON EINEM 1984 - 'Abbreviated' Crown's Opening Address:

An active sportsman, who was also a cadet. He was against homosexuality. His friend Carl Brooks says “he had a way with girls.” He had a girlfriend, Brigitta Meijer. They talked about getting engaged. On the day he disappeared, he played football for a local side, Lockleys. Then, went out with his dad visiting. Then, his mate Carl Brooks came over and they went to the park to play football. Later, he rang his girlfriend around 6pm. He wanted to call her back in 20 minutes, so he could take his mate Carl to the bus stop. As they left the house to walk to the bus stop, Richard’s dad yelled out “Tea’s cooking.” Richard said, “I’ll be back in a tick.”

He went out the back door of the home, down a little lane and walked through Brougham Park, the grass area of the Adelaide Children’s Hospital. But Richard Kelvin said it was too dark and wanted to go to the O’Connell Street bus stop instead. So they went up Ward Street.

Richard stayed at the bus stop for a short time after Carl left because a friend he knew got off the same bus. They talked briefly before running home. At this point, somewhere between running from the bus stop to his home, only a few streets away, there were some raised voices and perhaps a shout for help. The slamming of a car door or doors, and then a car taking off quickly.

The accused says Richard got in the car voluntarily. On the night in question, the accused said he arrived in North Adelaide from his home with the intention of buying tea at a fish and chips shop on O’Connell Street. The accused says, “I pulled into park the car but there were no vacant spaces on either side of the road.” But there were plenty of parks. He told investigators, “I drove to the lights and turned left onto Ward Street and left again. I don’t know the name of the street. Do you want me to go on?” Police Investigators said, “Yes, without a map at this stage, if you wouldn’t mind.” The accused then said, “A lad ran from a side street on my left... two arms on the roof... I was drinking a can of beer. He asked me for a drink... and he agreed.”
Richard was found, after being in scrub for two weeks. Mr. Attwood, two weeks prior to the discovery of Richard’s body, took four border terrier dogs to the area. He let the two older dogs run free, but no body was there in the area at that time. He took police to show how he walked over the spot where the body was later found, so it must have been left either later that day or the next. The age of the body was determined by the ageing of maggots found in the body. This will be confirmed by pathologist Dr. James Ross.

Richard was found wearing the same clothes he was last known to be wearing. A post mortem was done the same day. It was determined that the injuries were caused while Richard was alive. Undigested food was found in his stomach. There were no defensive injuries found on his arms, as would be found on a victim who would try to protect themselves. There was a bruise deep in the low left of his back caused by a kick or a punch. Another bruise was found on his right buttock. He also had numerous head injuries and bleeding beneath the scalp, however it is not determined if these blows were caused before or after his death. There were drugs found in Richard’s blood, such as amylobarbitone, which is a barbiturate form of a sleeping pill, commonly known as amytal or amyl. Also, chlorolhydrate was found, which is another form of a sedative and diazepam, which is a tranquilliser, also known as valium or rohypnol. The accused had a lot of rohypnol in his possession.

The accused, in his first interview, 28 July 1983, which was the time when he first had spoken to police, four days after Richard’s body was discovered. He denied any knowledge of knowing Richard Kelvin, a part from the news. He said he was not in North Adelaide on the 5 June, but that he was at home with his mum. He says he remembers this because he had the flu and was off work the following week. He says that he had never been to Airstrip Road, Kersbrook where Richard’s body was found. On the 5 June 1983, the accused owned a Ford Falcon, and on the 16 July 1983, 6 days after the body was left in scrub, he sold his car. The boot of the car, at the time of sale, was completely painted.

On the 12 October 1983, carpet from the accused home was taken and samples were taken for forensics. At this stage, he declined to make a comment.

On the 3 November 1983, he was arrested and charged, but not questioned.

On the 1 March 1984, the accused changed his story half way through the committal hearing. He said he went to North Adelaide on the 5 June 1983 for tea. As he was attempting to find a park, as there were no available spaces, Richard Kelvin ran out, got in his car, drove up Archer Street where Richard agreed to go to his house.
Richard had some learning difficulties at Adelaide High School, to which he then changed schools and got better.

The accused told police, “I drove to my house... he talked about being picked on at school. The conversation was brought around to other people... for sexual favours. The conversation got around to hobbies... I did not see him after that.”

When the accused was asked why he didn’t say this to police earlier, “I did not want my family, in particular my mother, to know that I had Richard in my home. It was also her home.”

He was then asked why he didn’t come forward when the news reports were out? He said, “I thought he’d run away from home and that he would... and what eventually happened to him. I regret not speaking up as I would not force into the future and what eventually happened to him. I felt that a lot of time had been wasted on me... I did not come forward.”

He says he gave Richard twenty dollars for a taxi from North Terrace to North Adelaide. Police say that’s a lot of money for such a fare. When he was asked why he gave Richard so much money, the accused said, “I was on a good salary, good money.” Police then asked, “Why not take him home?” He said, “If he was late home as he said, he was... I thought it would be better for me not to get him in trouble, which would have happened had I taken him home.”

On 1 March 1984, the accused changed his statement. Police investigators asked von Einem, “Alcorn’s house, (a relative of the accused who owned a farmhouse only a few kilometres from where Richard’s body was found) is pretty close to the airstrip where Richard’s body was located. Alcorn’s house is pretty close to the airstrip... that area for over five years approximately.”

Von Einem’s head hair stayed on Richard’s clothes. None of his girlfriends or family members hairs were found. There were five of von Einem’s head hairs found on the inside of Richard’s jeans.

R v Bevan Spencer Von Einem, Trial Transcript, Adelaide Magistrates Court, 1984.
Miss ijk
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Re: R v VON EINEM 1984 - Crown's Opening Address

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Re: R v VON EINEM 1984 - Crown's Opening Address

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Re: R v VON EINEM 1984 - Crown's Opening Address

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