Lewis Turtur & Debi Marshall Transcript - Long Post

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Lewis Turtur & Debi Marshall Transcript - Long Post

Post by bth18 »

The following post contains the transcript of the conversation between Debi Marshall and Lewis Turtur in Debi Marshall's Frozen Lies podcast, I have limited this just to their conversation and not included Debi's annotations or explanations.

I have tried to write in the same way Lewis speaks


Debi Marshall: Lewis nice to meet you and good to find you, I've been looking for you for a few days now in Sydney, luckily we found you through where you're living now, and you've agreed to talk, so lets talk

Lewis Turtur: ok, alright then

DM: we have a lot to talk about

LT: ok then

DM: so when the police came to you Lewis, what did they say about the suppression's? who approached you?

LT: The police, called up a few months ago and said 'the suppression orders going to be lifted, do you mind?' and I said no not really, you know its bound to come out sooner or later my name so

DM: Let's go back to the beginning Lewis, so did you have any involvement with Von Einem?

LT: I had sex with Von Einem.. but I didn't have anything to do with the murders or that there so

DM: nothing to do with the murders at all?

LT: nothing at all, the police cleared me, and the DNA cleared me too so

DM: when did they clear you?

LT: I was a witness for them I suppose so.. and I haven't heard anything else about it so

DM: How long ago was that?

LT: ohh.. 1999 maybe?

DM: Just so I'm very clear the Prosecution contacted you..

LT: Yes

DM: and said Von Einem has applied for parole, we'd like you to be a witness for us, to ensure he does not get out on parole, does that sound correct?

LT: Yes

DM: and what did your evidence entail, what did you have to say?

LT: what I knew about him, where he used to take me for sex and various places like that, yeah

DM: ok lets talk about that then, so when you say 'he used to take you for sex' - what does that mean?

LT: we had sex

DM: He'd pick you up?

LT: I met him once, met him at 'Number 1', it was down by the Torrens ok

DM: Jolley's Boat house?

LT: Yeah Jolley's Boat.. down there
LT: and he took me some place up in the Adelaide Hills, and we had sex in his car there, that was the place, that was close to where one of the body'
s was found, so that's why the police wanted to know so..

DM: which body?

LT: I don't remember

DM: well can you remember the year?

LT: Love you're going back years..

DM: Well we know the first murder was in '79 and the last murder in 1983

LT: Yeah yeah

DM: So if it was in 1980 we could possible assume..

LT: Oh maybe even before that, it'd be in the '70s then

DM: It could have been Alan Barnes then?

LT: Could have been, I'm not sure..

DM: looking back, when you know you had sex that time in the car, near where one of the bodies was later found, how does that make you feel?

LT: scared, because it could have been me, it could have been me, that's why I brought it up to the police so..

DM: were you.. anything I say to you by the way, i do not mean to be the slightest bit offensive

LT: no no that's fine..

DM: so please don't take offense

LT: .. I have thick skin

DM: I'm just being a nosey journalist, you didn't have an ongoing relationship as such..

LT: oh no on no no..

DM: ..you just had sex with him?

LT: .. just had sex a few times

DM: a few times, so when you say he took.. you had sex near where one of the bodies was found, clearly you didn't know one of the bodies was there, did he say that to you?

LT: that happened before one of the body's was there ok

DM: oh ok, that's how he knew the area

LT: that's how I knew the area

DM: how did you find him.. what kind of bloke was he, what sort of person?

LT: actually I thought he was quite passive..

DM: mmhmm

LT: ..he was never aggressive like that to us..to me, but then I am a larger person so he couldn't overpower me.. but no.. I was shocked when I found out he was a suspect or charged with these murders.

DM: ok so.. how. How did you come to meet Von Einem in the first place?

LT: through a friend, through a friend

DM: Do you know which friend that was?

LT: yes but he's no longer here so I cant really say his name, it was Brian, but I cant say his last name..

DM: Brian Gant?

LT: yes
DM: we all have a circle of friendships..

LT: yeah

DM: .. who was your circle of friendship, who were the people you hung out with?

LT: well most of them are all dead now so..

DM: that doesn't matter so, can you give me..

LT: it does

DM: their names?

LT: Brian, Noel..

DM: Noel Brooks[sic]

LT: yes

DM: Brian Gant

LT: Brian Gant, There was Pru

DM: Pru Firman

LT: we stuck together, through thick and thin ok
DM: ok it was suggested that you, with some of the people you just named, that the boys were taken to your house, and you made the beds ready for those boys, and you lit the candles for them

LT: what candles? I cant understand anything about candles.. I don't remember candles, I know some of the boys did come over there, he brought some boys over there to our places.. but they left alive in the morning ok

DM: yep ok.. and I don't believe there is a suggestion that they didn't..

LT: I know

DM: ..I don't recall Lewis, your name being intimately associated with any of the murders, and it comes up in Trevor Peters' diaries as you know, tell me about Trevor Peters

LT: Who's Trevor Peters?

DM: You never met him? that's interesting

LT: no..

DM: ok he was a gay man.. who was very close friend of Denis St Denis the Hairdresser..

LT: I know the hair dresser yes..

DM: Trevor Peters was a prolific diary keeper, and he wrote diaries all his life, one of the diaries named you, as being umm, the person who had the bed ready and had the candles ready

LT: They went to a bed, but I don't know anything about candles.. no no there was no candles

DM: never?

LT: never

DM: so he was exaggerating then?

LT: yes I think he was..

DM: but he got half of it right

LT: well the police know the guys came back to our place so

DM: what sort of condition were these guys in?

LT: they were drugged, Von Einem had drugged them

DM: do you know what, I think you're incredibly courageous to admit that, so how did you be in a position where Von Einem was bringing boys, drugged, back to your house, not just boys - minors, underage boys who were drugged, back to your house - how come Lewis

LT: I don't know.. honestly, it was a long time ago so

DM: how come you got the lucky dip?

LT: I think I was just stupid at the time ok.. but anyway cant live..

DM: how many boys Lewis?

LT: I don't know honestly

DM: roughly?

LT: maybe half a dozen, but that half a dozen were.. woke up the next morning ok, and wet home so

DM: went home, how would they get home?

LT: catch the train home, or catch a bus home

DM: ok and again not trying to be offensive asking questions, that's why we're here isn't it..

LT: yeah

DM.. and you've agreed to talk, you say the boys were drugged, how drugged? in what condition were they to be giving consent?

LT: umm.. I don't know how they were drugged ok.. umm.. none of it is making any sense, I don't know, all I know is they came.. he dropped them off at our place, he went home, we let them sleep it off, they left in the morning so

DM: ok this is not the story I've heard

LT: isn't it?

DM: the story I've heard is, and this is why its good you're getting your right of reply here, your opportunity to tell your side of the story. So the story I've heard is the boys were dropped off by Von Einem, he would sometimes leave them there, he would sometimes stay with them, but he was quite territorial with those boys, he things he wanted to do to those boys..

LT: no I never saw any of that.. nothing

DM:.. you never saw that?

LT: never saw that so

DM: but you know that that's what he did don't you?

LT: we heard afterwards, that that's what he did, but he never did that while they came back to my place, I would let that happen ok

DM: ok, so what would happen to the boys when they got to your place then?

LT: they usually would just sleep it off..

DM: why would you accept drugged boys back at your house?

LT: because I was a stupid fool wasn't I..

DM: how old were you? roughly

LT: mid 20's

DM: ok did anyone have sex with those drugged boys back at your house?

LT: I 'spose some of them did yes

DM: who was the someone Lewis?

LT: Noel and all them, but look it was a long time..

DM: its ok.. there's a lot of people out there Lewis, a lot of victims families, who need to know answers from people like you who were with Von Einem, not at the murders, but who knew him, who can say what you're saying, 'yes he did drop these drugged boys off to our house' so you're courageous enough to say that, so could you please tell me who had sex with those boys?

LT: no I can't.. I'm sorry its going a bit too far..

DM: ok so.. can I assume then, without you naming them, umm that they were the people you named earlier?

LT: yes

DM: so, I'll go through those names, so Pru Firman, who's now dead - suppression has been lifted on her name, Noel Brooks[sic] who is now dead - suppression's been lifted on his name, Brian Gant, dead - suppression lifted, and suppression lifted on your name - again not trying to be offensive with this question - but how come all the others had sex with these boys but you didn't?

LT: ....Yes I've had sex with them ok

DM: ok, Lewis thank you, transparency and truth always works, because there's no point otherwise

LT: ok

DM: ok so Von Einem would pick the boys up, who was in the car please Lewis mostly when Von Einem was picking these boys up?

LT: anyone could be in the car, the girls, the drag queens, or whoever, or he did it by himself

DM: ok, they didn't have mobile phones in those days, how did he contact the group?

LT: he didn't contact the group, he'd just turn up at night and dump the people off, we'd get woken up, and he'd have to go because he had to get back to work or couldn't take them back to his mother's so

DM: ok

LT: he just dumped them off to our place

DM: but when he dropped them off, sometimes it'd be midnight? two o'clock in the morning?

LT: two o'clock sure - four or five in the morning before sun rise or so

DM: ok and then people in the house would essentially take turns with the boys is that right?

LT: occasionally but not all the time ok

DM: who was the person that had to get up for the boys, was it you, was it Pru Firman, who got that job?

LT: whoever got awake, whoever got woken up ok

DM: and what was the average age of the boys that got taken to the house roughly?

LT: 17 or 18 I'd say

DM: ok so drugged, but not underage, did you ever have sex with an underage boy?

LT: no

DM: how would you know they weren't underage? if they were drugged

LT: I suppose I wouldn't know, but yeah, I never had sex.. no..

DM: ok, look this is a very indelicate question but its very important you answer it please, and I know I'm belabouring this point, but the boys are brought back, you had made the bed up?

LT: well if there's a bed there or a lounge room or something like that, on the lounge

DM: how? how would they get into the house? can you walk me through that MO please

LT: Von Einem would carry them in or they stagger in, then lay down and fall asleep

DM: and then someone would have sex with them?

LT: yes

DM: rape them

LT yes

DM: ok..

LT: usually Von Einem first
DM: what sort of mood would Von Einem be in? when he'd bring these boys in, was he elated?

LT: excited.. excited

DM: was he sexually excited?

LT: I don't know honestly, honestly I don't know

DM: how did you know about all of the drugging of the young boys, and you participated in that, but you weren't involved in the murders, how'd that happen?

LT: well Von Einem used to get Mandrax ok, and no one could get Mandrax for some reason, but Von Einem could get them, and we'd take Mandrax, he'd give us Mandrax and all that so

DM: ok so you had a drug habit?

LT: yes

DM: what were you using?

LT: everything

DM: heroin?

LT: yes

DM: marijuana?

LT: yes

DM: uppers?

LT: uppers, everything

DM: downers?

LT: everything

DM: right so you were off your face a lot of the time?

LT: yes

DM: how much of the time?

LT: umm every weekend

DM: ok do you in someway think that that you know excuses what happened?

LT: no it cant be an excuse, you've still got a bit of common sense there, but yeah

DM: ok so it appears to me that Von Einem had some type of Svengali hold over people, what was that hold? what was it, that everyone kept his secrets?

LT: the drugs maybe, we were all vulnerable for those drugs

DM: and did Von Einem ever give you heroin?

LT: no no, Von Einem only had access to pills, pills you couldn't get anywhere else, that's what amazed us about him ok

DM: where were those pills coming from, through his doctor?

LT: through his doctor but we never knew who his doctor was you see

DM: I think I do know who his doctor was
DM: and was his doctor getting those pills through Asia? where they coming from?

LT: no idea, all we knew was he used to get these pills, and no one else could ok

DM: what did he have over that doctor? what was in it for the doctor to give Von Einem the pills?

LT: no idea.. no idea
DM: were you ever involved with luring those boys into the car?

LT: no, oh I would have been in the car but we didn't lure anyone in, boys got into the car with a whole group of people

DM: so how many people would be in the car when the boys were lured in?

LT: either him by himself, or another person

DM: usually who?

LT: well.. one of the girls

DM: so Pru or?

LT: so Pru or <REDACTED>

DM: did they ever pick up girls?

LT: no just always males

DM: take me through a scenario where you were in the car one night and you helped lure people in

LT: we'd offer them a drink, and they'd drink it, and sometimes we would lace them with pills, or rohypnol or whatever maybe

DM: and was it usually one boy or two boys?

LT: one usually, never more than two, one usually yeah

DM: because one's easier to handle

LT: yeah easier

DM: and so how long would it normally take to pass our or become extremely groggy

LT: an hour.. an hour

DM: what would happen, was Von Einem driving or someone else?

LT: Von Einem would be driving

DM: right, and what would he be saying? so take me to the point, where you'd see the boys hitching or you're going to actually force them into the car

LT: we didn't force anyone into a car

DM: ok so take me to where.. ok.. so Von Einem's driving..

LT: they all hopped in the car, they were hitchhiking, given a lift home, he'd offer them a drink

DM: sure so what I'm asking is, what would Von Einem say?...

LT: honestly I don't remember, it was 20 years ago.. even 30 years ago, I cant remember word for word what he was saying..

DM: but would he..

LT: .. half the time I was drugged out anyway, so I don't really care, i was in my own little world

DM: ok but clearly he was the ring leader here, you weren't the one making the decisions were you to get those hitch hikers in the car, you were just there for the drugs

LT: drugs yes

DM: Lewis did you ever think 'Gee this is wrong?'

LT: we thought.. I dunno, it was wrong, but in the end we thought the lives we saved, once we found out what he was doing, but he wasn't doing it by himself

DM: who was he doing it with?

LT: I'm not sure, I've given my suspicions to the police but, they said they weren't avail.. no

DM: Lewis please tell me who you think he was doing that with

LT: I can't honestly..

DM: you can Lewis

LT: if I say a name, I'm liable to be sued and all that

DM: no you wont be sued because I think I know the name you're thinking of, so if anyone..


DM: correct and his name's <REDACTED>

LT: yes

*Debi annotates this is the 'Wealthy Businessman' or Mr R

DM: lets move to him for a moment, what was his involvement?

LT: I've saw him present with Von Einem and a guy ok

DM: doing what?

LT: umm they were in the room together, don't know what they do in the room, but they were in the room together ok

DM: ok so you are talking about a young man who had been taken into your house..

LT: yes

DM: .. taken into a bedroom

LT: yes

DM: Mr R was with that young man?

LT: and Von Einem

DM: what time was it?

LT: oh..

DM: roughly

LT: I don't know..

DM: two o'clock in the morning? four?

LT: two o'clock in the morning maybe ok

DM: ok, he was drugged? the young boy was drugged?

LT: drunk or drugged.. I don't know so

DM: roughly the age?

LT: oh mid-teens

DM: ok do you know who that boy was? did he turn up in the papers dead later?

LT: no, that person stayed at our place, and left the next morning

DM: tell me about Mr R, what's he like?

LT: honestly i don't really know him, he wasn't in my scene.. he was with um Pussy (Denis St Denis) and all those people so

DM: do you think Pussy was involved in the murders?

LT: no no

DM: how often did you see Mr R in the company of Von Einem?

LT: for that episode once, but they were.. you have to understand, back in the 70's Von Einem mixed with different circles of people ok, there was Denis and <REDACTED) - their circle, and then there was us, and we were the drug addicts and drag queens ok, the snooty queens wouldn't mix with the low life ok?

DM: really..
LT: we were low life in Adelaide, no one would speak to us, we could always rely on each other

DM: so you sound like you're describing, in your group, almost like the bottom feeders

LT: yes we were

DM: who was in the middle?

LT: I don't know, they're not here anymore, cant name names, don't know, but there was the social queens up there and we were down low 'cos they were drag queens, they didn't associate with drag queens back then, it's not like now

DM: so who was in that top echelon? Denis St Denis,

LT: Denis Denis[sic]

DM: Von Einem

LT: Von Einem

DM: the "Wealthy Businessman"

LT: the businessman, the doctors, all that there

DM: all the doctors

LT: yeah

DM: how many doctors did Von Einem have in his back pocket to get his drugs?

LT: that I don't know, that I would like to know

DM: so would I

LT: so would I so

DM: who would have been the ring leader, would it have been Von Einem, the beige cardigan wearing accountant who lived with his mother or was it the 'Wealthy Businessman' as they call him in Adelaide?

LT: I wouldn't know who the ring leader was, but if you're saying Von Einem's so passive, it had to be someone with a stronger personality than he had, who could order him around

DM: which year or did you ever part company with Von Einem?

LT: we parted company.. when Pru got in trouble.. and that was for.. the last two murders

DM: for what sorry?

LT: for the last two murders, or something like that..

DM: ok so..

LT: .. I don't like the look on your face so
DM: he was still bringing boys back to your house during..

LT: off and on.. wasn't a regular basis ok..

DM: ok ok

LT: .. he has other places to take them to so

DM: tell me again when you broke away from Von Einem and why, you said something to do with Pru Firman

LT: Pru Firman.. Pru was charged with the having sex with an underage person ok

DM: mhmm

LT: and then.. we just stopped from there so, it just got too much

DM: were you following the papers avidly when you realised that he umm had been arrested

LT: yes when the police came we gave our suspicions to the police ok

DM: so what did you do?

LT: I contacted the police and let them know

DM: has it ever occurred to you Lewis that Von Einem was not responsible for the Family Murders?

LT: no, he's got something to do with it, he's got something to do with it, unless he's taken the fall for someone, because he picked up the guys, we always thought there was someone else involved, but the police could never prove it

DM: how the hell did he get away with five murders do you think when he was living with his mother?

LT: I have no idea, honestly

DM: you knew him, you know his personality

LT: we were acquaintances ok, we were close, we were acquaintances ok

DM: acquaintances that had sex

LT: yeah.. that had sex ok

DM: Lewis how many other boys are there? how many other murders?

LT: I don't know honestly I don't know, they're the only ones i know that were reported ok, I don't know of any other murders

DM: do you think there would have been any other murders?

LT: I don't know honestly, I don't know

DM: why have you decided now Lewis to talk to me?

LT: I don't know honestly, thought might as well get it out, you're going to be hounding me all my life so, this has hounded me for all.. most of my.. half of my life anyway so

DM: look if you had something to say to those boys who came back to your house, and please try to remember or put a number on a) the amount of boys that came back to your house and b) the amount of times you had sex with those drugged boys, ok lets start with how many boys roughly were taken back to your house

LT: I'd say half a dozen

DM: ok how many of those boys did you have sex with roughly?

LT: one or two I'm not sure

DM: ok what would you say to those boys now, because umm a lot of them are still alive, some have suicided, a lot are still alive, and like you are looking back over their shoulder at a past, that is not very pleasant

LT: I'd say I'm sorry, but you're still alive, you didn't end up like those other victims, and that's all I can say I don't.. this is never going to go away is it, never going to go away, its going to haunt me for the rest of my life, so I might as well go and end it all, because that's the only way its going to end for me ok

DM: well I'm not suggesting for a moment you go and end it all

LT: but I'm just saying its just never going to go away is it

DM: its a funny thing Lewis about the past isn't it, we can never get rid of it

LT: no you can't, it always comes back and haunts you

DM: yeah it comes back and haunts everyone involved, the victims, the victims families, you, so i think you know what we're doing now is a really good thing because you're getting it off your chest, and I'd say you have been looking over your shoulder for a very long time

LT: not really, its only when people ring up, I haven't been thinking about it for twenty years, i thought it had been finished, all gone, and now it's all started over so, thank god mum's still not alive so

DM: do you.,. Lewis do you feel a sense of shame?

LT: yes I do ok, every time this comes up again i just hate it ok, I just cant live with it anymore ok

DM: so why did you decide to agree to have that suppression lifted?

LT: I thought twenty years is long enough ok, I only had that suppression there for Mum, and I knew that I had nothing to do with the murders ok

DM: what would you like to see happen now?

LT: I'd like to see the rest of them get caught you know, it wasn't Von Einem by himself, there were other people, Von Einem's paying

DM: it must sit very badly with you, that you're the one who, I for example, come to find, when we know that there is someone else in Adelaide who is hiding behind a suppression order, what would you say to that man about his name being suppressed still?

LT: oh god.. it's been twenty years get over it ok, its going to come out eventually ok, you're going to be found out eventually ok.


Debi revisits Lewis in the last episode of the podcast to discuss Mr R

DM: it's really important Lewis today that you tell me the truth the whole time

LT: ok.. I am telling you the truth

DM: because I'll keep chasing you

LT: I know i know

DM: so the boys were drugged, who would bring them in from the car?

LT: Von Einem or whoever he had with him, and on one occasion, it was this businessman (Mr R) with him so

DM: so the businessman helped Von Einem bring a drugged boy in from the car

LT: yes, that's what I remember now, your interview, the podcast, made me think and it jogged my memory,

DM: so the "Wealthy Businessman" and Von Einem take a drugged boy into your house at 2 or 3am, you witnessed that

LT: yes

DM: tell me about that

LT: they went to one of the bedrooms, closed the door, and then I could hear them giggling, so I just went back to bed, I just yeah.. went back to bed, so that was it

DM: my stomachs just turned

LT: I know

DM: who was giggling?

LT: Von Einem and the 'Businessman'

DM: what about the drugged boy? was he giggling?

LT: I don't think so no.. I think he was asleep, he was drugged so, he was unconscious

DM:I just find this so disturbing

LT: mmm

DM: that these predators are out there, cruising around, hunting, for prey, for young men, what do you think they were doing?

LT: no good.. no good
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