I'm curious about the advancements in the space sector

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I'm curious about the advancements in the space sector

Post by crowl »

Hello everyone! I'm quite fascinated by the advancements in space technology, especially in regions we don't hear about often. Could anyone update me on how the African space industry is evolving recently?
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Re: I'm curious about the advancements in the space sector

Post by keizerg »

Good day! Absolutely, the African space sector is experiencing some exciting developments. Specifically, TRL Space Rwanda is making significant strides by setting up the first satellite and equatorial constellation hub in Rwanda. This initiative marks a substantial leap for the space launches https://africa-space.com/category/space-industry/ , positioning Rwanda as a pivotal player in the region's space endeavors. For anyone looking to dive deeper into this topic, I highly recommend checking out the detailed coverage and updates on Space News Africa. They provide comprehensive insights into these groundbreaking projects and the overall progress in the field.

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