R v VON EINEM 1984 - Justice White's Statement Concerning Evidence

Discussion on the abduction, captivity, and murder of Richard Kelvin
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R v VON EINEM 1984 - Justice White's Statement Concerning Evidence

Post by Missijk »

R v VON EINEM 1984 - Justice White's Statement Concerning Evidence:

Members of the Jury, I am sorry to keep you waiting but we had some matters of evidence and other matters to discuss, one of which I will now deal with. There was previously a suppression order in relation to the evidence of Miss Beryl Morris, the lady who was a curator of information at the South Australian Museum who gave evidence on Friday afternoon and over the weekend I have been giving consideration to the question of the release of her evidence for publication and she claimed to have dated Richard Kelvin’s death from an observation of the extent of the growth of the larvae of brown blow flies and to have dated the time of death with much greater accuracy than that which is claimed by medical evidence or by witnesses from any other area of scientific knowledge. Now it is for the jury to say whether they accept her evidence and that’s a matter that’s left in abeyance but I have to refer to this evidence for the time being in giving a ruling about the publication of this evidence.

I say this, that although some additional distress will probably be caused to the Kelvin family as a result of publication of the fact larvae or maggots were on Richard Kelvin’s body it could hardly be any surprise to them or to anyone else that they were in fact on the body after 14 days exposure to the elements. The real causes of anguish and distress to those parents and the brother are the facts of disappearance and of death and of the abandonment of the body by someone in a lonely, exposed place. The further natural and expected phenomena, evidence of which I am about to release, is unpleasant and may, as to be expected, cause some slight additional hurt to the Kelvins. Accurate and tasteful publication of the material and the evidence of the witness and of natural phenomena should not be as distressful to the family as inaccurate and distasteful publicity about other matters such as headline publication that Richard Kelvin was a skinhead which, of course, was contrary to the evidence and a blatant distortion of it. He happened to have some casual acquaintances or even some friendship with some persons who were skinheads, according to the evidence, but he saw relatively little of them.

But leaving that topic of skinheads aside for the moment and dealing now with the topic of larvae or maggots, against the potential for additional distress to the Kelvin family, if this matter is reported there stands the great public interest in justice being done and administered openly and in particular there is a public interest in scientific and forensic evidence, an interest which extends beyond this state and throughout Australia and the special studies of Miss Beryl Morris, if well founded and accepted by the jury, do present a novel and imprtant method of dating the death of victims of homicide generally so for those reasons I have come to the conclusion that the scales are weighted in favour of the public interest and there should be publication of this material.

Accordingly I revoke the previous suppression order insofar as it relates to the evidence of Miss Beryl Morris. That still leaves existing a suppression order on this topic emanating as it does from other witnesses as foreshadowed in the Crown opening and we will have to deal with that as we come to it.

I indicated earlier that I would make available to the press a copy of her evidence so there could be no misreporting of it. That has been done.

R v Bevan Spencer Von Einem, Trial Transcript, Adelaide Magistrates Court, 1984.
Miss ijk
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Re: R v VON EINEM 1984 - Justice White's Statement Concerning Evidence

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Re: R v VON EINEM 1984 - Justice White's Statement Concerning Evidence

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